“Trigeminal sensory neurons detect thermal and mechanical stimuli in the skin through their elaborately arborized peripheral axons. They send another process centrally to nnervate the hindbrain” (Sagasti et al., 2005)
“In the somatosensory system, chemical, mechanical and thermal stimuli to the head are sensed by different trigeminal sensory neuron subtypes that have varied morphologies and distinct axonal connections to second-order neurons “(Pan et al., 2012). The trigeminal sensory ganglion contains approximately 60 trigeminal sensory neurons. The trigeminal sensory ganglion is found just posterior to the eye, lateral to the anterior hindbrain.
Mosaic labelling with UAS:TdTomato of a single trigeminal sensory neuron whose elaborate peripheral axon extends over the surface of the head just under the skin.
In the spinal cord Rohon-Beard cells perform a similar sensory function until they are replaced by dorsal root ganglia later in development.
Rohon-Beard cell with soma in the spinal cord and peripheral axon covering the tip of the tail. Ths cell projects a central axon up the spinal cord to the hindbrain.
is part of:
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OLS Tree Diagram
Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region
Key Publications
Y. Albert Pan, Margaret Choy, David A. Prober, Alexander F. Schie
Robo2 determines subtype-specific axonal projections of trigeminal sensory neurons
Development 2012 139: 591-600; doi: 10.1242/dev.076588
Alvaro Sagasti,1, Matthew R. Guido, David W. Raible and Alexander F. Schier(2005)
Repulsive Interactions Shape the Morphologies and Functional Arrangement of Zebrafish Peripheral Sensory Arbors
Current Biology, Vol. 15, 804–814