Synonyms: Tg(slc6a5:GFP), Tg(slc6a5:GFP)cf3, cf3Tg
Previously called glycine transporter 2 now named solute carrier family 6 member 5(slc6a5), this trangenic line labels glycinergic neruons.

Expressed in:
glycinergic neurons, spinal cord, pineal, hindbrain.
Key Publications
McLean, D.L., Fan, J., Higashijima, S., Hale, M.E., and Fetcho, J.R. (2007)
A topographic map of recruitment in spinal cord.
Nature. 446(7131):71-75.
Barreiro-Iglesias, A., Mysiak, K.S., Adrio, F., Rodicio, M.C., Becker, C.G., Becker, T., and Anadón, R. (2013)
Distribution of glycinergic neurons in the brain of glycine transporter-2 Tg(glyt2:gfp) transgenic adult zebrafish: Relation with brain-spinal descending systems.
The Journal of comparative neurology. 521(2):389-425.