getting started contributing to FishfloorUCL
Go to the workspace
– click REQUEST TO JOIN, top right. (You may need to create an account, if not done already).
Create an account. If you don't have one already, use the link:
it may force you to create your own workspace at this step, you can simply put your name e.g. joebloggs
Wait for admin to accept request.
Now you have full access to the FishFloorUCL workspace, and can add/edit protocols.
To write a new protocol:
New+ top right (when inside the workspace folder)
if asked, click FishFloorUCL and Continue
pick Biology protocol
No firm rules re style, some suggestions:
You can find a protocol that you like and follow loosely the style
Use a new section for a bunch of steps that go together (e.g. e.g. "Prepare the buffers", then each step being the recipe for one buffer). Other sections could be e.g. "Introduction" or "Materials" or "Frequently Asked Questions" or "Troubleshooting"
The little 'gadgets' on the right like Concentration/Timer/Reagent look nice, but don't freak out about using them. Not extremely important.
The more pictures/screenshots, the better, in my opinion.
Whenever you want to see how it'll look like, you can click VIEW at the top.
It will continuously save, you can close the tab anytime and go back to it later.
When you're happy:
MORE > Publish
Write a quick sentence for Abstract e.g. "Protocol for microinjections of 0-dpf eggs @FishFloorUCL."
Funders acknowledgements > tick Does not apply...
Authors: write FishFloorUCL (you can also click add myself). You may need to click Create New.
Affiliations: University College London.
Protocol status: Working. Can delete the small sentence "We use this protocol and it's working".
Workspaces: important, make sure to switch ON Show on workspace profile // tick Share with workspace.
When you use someone else's protocol:
If you see something wrong or you know a better way; comment on the step (little speech bubble on the right)! e.g., see the 1s on the right side.
When there are a few edits to make (from the comments or else), you or the original author can issue a new version (MORE > New Version). In my opinion: if the person left the floor and/or you are fairly confident, just go ahead and issue a new version, the goal is for protocols to evolve (the previous version remains accessible anyways); if the person is still around, maybe check with them first?
We strongly encourage to not be perfectionnist! Get a first decent version done and publish it. Then you can issue new versions whenever (even tens of new versions if you'd like, who cares). In case someone ends up on an old version, there's an unmissable pop-up saying "There's a new version of this protocol" (for example:, so don't worry.
Similarly, don't feel that you need to be the world expert of that method to write the protocol. If you did the method once and it worked, you know enough to write the protocol, I promise.